Mitchell SD Christmas Bird Count Results 2024

About the CBC

Mitchell CBC Circle
Mitchell CBC Circle

For over 100 years, the Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) uses volunteers to track bird populations by holding local counts across North and South America. Counts are held between December 14 and January 5 and are composed of volunteers of all birding levels to count birds in the field and at their feeders. Volunteers count birds and tally them by species within a 15 mile diameter count circle. 

The Mitchell circle is centered roughly at the Corn Palace.  It encompasses parts of Davison and Hanson counties including the cities of Mitchell and Loomis. The Mitchell count circle can be found at

After a 46 year hiatus, the Mitchell CBC was reinstated in 2013.  The first count was executed in 1957. Two more counts were executed in 1966 and 1967.

Count Summary

barred owl
Barred owl by Sheri Leland

This year’s count took place on Saturday, December 14, 2024 and was the 12th consecutive year to hold the count since reinstatement. This was the first year I never saw any birds at my mom’s bird feeders all day long.

On the day of the count we had foggy conditions all day with freezing drizzle. Day time temperatures started at 25° F and rose to 30° F. The maximum wind speed was 5 mph out of the south. There was no open water other than some moving water.

A total of 17 people participated and all were adults. We had 7 groups of people who birded in the field and 9 groups that watched their feeders. Field groups spent 16 hours in the field observing birds.  In comparison the feeder watchers spent 34.25 hours watching birds at their feeders.

We had a total of 1,607 birds composed of 33 species for the count day. Both the total number of birds and number of species were lower than past years. There were an additional 7 count week species. Count week species are seen 3 days before or after the count day but not on the count day. The most abundant species was the rock pigeon at 427.

We added two new species to the count.  A pileated woodpecker was seen at a feeder on the edge of Mitchell and a yellow-bellied sapsucker was seen at another feeding station. Some misses included Cooper’s hawk, brown creeper, purple finch, horned lark, and lapland longspur. Both the pileated woodpecker and the yellow-bellied sapsucker were flagged as rare.

The best birds of the count were definitely the pileated woodpecker and the yellow-bellied sapsucker. The barred owl and short-eared owl were also very good additions.

We had no high counts which is not surprising since numbers were low this year.

I’ve composed the following tables:  Counts for the Year, Participants for the Year, Counts by Year, and Effort by Year.

Bird Counts for the Year

The following table contains counts for the Mitchell CBC. CW designates count week birds.

Snow GooseCW
Canada GooseCW
Wild Turkey141
Ring-necked Pheasant86
Rock Pigeon427
Eurasian Collared-dove18
Mourning Dove1
Northern Harrier2
Sharp-shinned HawkCW
Bald Eagle1
Red-tailed Hawk1
Rough-legged Hawk3
buteo sp.5
Great Horned Owl1
Barred OwlCW
Short-eared OwlCW
yellow-bellied sapsuckerCW
Red-bellied Woodpecker5
Downy Woodpecker15
Hairy Woodpecker10
Pileated woodpecker1
Northern Flicker9
woodpecker sp.1
American Kestrel1
Northern Shrike2
Blue Jay8
American Crow9
Black-capped Chickadee15
Red-breasted Nuthatch3
White-breasted Nuthatch12
European Starling223
American Robin268
Cedar Waxwing47
House Sparrow46
House Finch56
Pine Siskin16
American Goldfinch66
American Tree Sparrow14
Dark-eyed Junco37
Harris’s Sparrow2
Red-winged BlackbirdCW
Northern Cardinal10
passerine sp.45

Participants for the Year

The Mitchell CBC wouldn’t have been possible without the help of these volunteers.

Full NameFieldFeeder
Doug HansenField 
Jeff HansenField 
Rick HansenFieldFeeder
Doug Hollum Feeder
Dee JohnsonFieldFeeder
Dennis LelandFieldFeeder
Sheri LelandFieldFeeder
Jacob Leland Feeder
Derrick Adams Feeder
Chuck Adams Feeder
Paula MazzerFieldFeeder
Chris SlaybaughFieldFeeder
Andrea MeyerFieldFeeder
Scott MeyerFieldFeeder
Tim MullicanField 
Bonnie Orr Feeder
Lonnie WiessField 

Counts by Year

This table contains counts by year for the last 9 years of the Mitchell CBC. Note, zero denotes count week species.

Snow Goose 0  70 750
Cackling Goose       25 
Canada Goose240  40 2110
goose sp.       40 
Wood Duck         
Northern Shoveler       2 
Gadwall   2   4 
Mallard   40   34 
Northern Pintail         
Redhead   1     
Lesser Scaup         
Common Goldeneye      110 
Common Merganser       204 
Ruddy Duck   2     
Wild Turkey16230168215111105210106141
Greater Prairie-chicken 3       
Ring-necked Pheasant141221341469726123133386
Rock Pigeon1316315532354512859117427
Eurasian Collared-dove1793735458570353018
Mourning Dove2 0  220 1
Ring-billed Gull       0 
Great Blue Heron       1 
Northern Harrier1 0  2  2
Sharp-shinned Hawk22 231110
Cooper’s Hawk22114  2 
Northern Goshawk   21  1 
Bald Eagle6819310341
Red-tailed Hawk2821031268211
Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan’s)1 0      
Rough-legged Hawk20111618371 3
buteo sp. 11   3 5
Eastern Screech-owl12 62    
Great Horned Owl570141053 1
Snowy Owl         
Barred Owl   1    0
Long-eared Owl         
Short-eared Owl     1  0
Northern Saw-whet Owl   1     
Belted Kingfisher   1   0 
yellow-bellied sapsucker        0
Red-bellied Woodpecker85413999105
Downy Woodpecker27189341530272315
Hairy Woodpecker131151210910610
Pileated woodpecker        1
Northern Flicker276912611149
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 65 245  
Northern Flicker (red-shafted)     1   
woodpecker sp.        1
American Kestrel63 441  1
Merlin21 3   1 
Peregrine Falcon     0   
Prairie Falcon   11    
falcon sp.  11     
Northern Shrike11 36  12
Blue Jay73372073703922148
American Crow1510173217185129
Common Raven         
Black-capped Chickadee241511534078101315
Tufted Titmouse         
Horned Lark4368607022011236  
Golden-crowned Kinglet4  31    
Red-breasted Nuthatch121221085 3
White-breasted Nuthatch206522192116812
Brown Creeper  0215   
Carolina Wren    0    
European Starling655968947832118844713555223
Brown Thrasher  1      
Eastern Bluebird5  0     
Townsend’s Solitaire1  5     
American Robin26111814620415231071268
Cedar Waxwing70157841407645 4047
House Sparrow687809733362773572527046
House Finch49128382711525752656
Purple Finch1 0041514 
Common Redpoll 974 2    
Red Crossbill    0 3  
White-winged Crossbill 1       
Pine Siskin 241217531 616
American Goldfinch292132181391637588966
Lapland Longspur305020      
Snow Bunting   8  3  
American Tree Sparrow45641311494334120 14
Fox Sparrow       1 
Dark-eyed Junco831725012310060974137
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 36142854399  
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) 8 41 1  
White-crowned Sparrow    120  
Harris’s Sparrow11 611 122
Song Sparrow11  4    
Spotted Towhee    1    
Western Meadowlark6   9114  
Red-winged Blackbird12121230285106101224501411250
Brown-headed Cowbird   213    
Rusty Blackbird   19     
Common Grackle    20 120 
blackbird sp.    506  2 
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1     1 
Northern Cardinal2721623291214310
passerine sp.     23  45

Effort by Year

This table contains effort for all years of the Mitchell CBC.

Count DateCount YearField PeopleField Hours AllFeeder PeopleFeeder HoursCount Day SpeciesCount Week SpeciesCount Species TotalBird Total
12/23/1957195729.00  250251377
12/30/1966196619.00  20020463
12/31/1967196719.00  200202885

Thank You

I’d like to give a big “Thank You” to everyone who helped with the count. This is a GROUP effort.  All who participated should be very proud of their work.

If you know anyone who would like to help with the count next year, send me their contact information so they can be included in all communications.

Jeff Hansen

CBC Compiler
